CEDAW - Nepal

ANNEXURE 1. Case Studies
Submitted to the CEDAW Committee, January 2025
By Sex Workers and Allies South Asia (SWASA) and partners
CR#1 Struggling for IdenƟty: Radhika's Journey Toward CiƟzenship (Extracted from Research study “Impact of
ciƟzenship laws on the rights of women in sex work, Nepal, Conducted by SWASA, SWAN, JMMS; 2024)

Rk, a 37-year-old resident of Narephant, Kathmandu, has faced a lifetime of challenges stemming from the lack of a
citizenship certificate. Born in Chandpur, Lalitpur, her life has been marked by struggle, resilience, and an ongoing
quest for recognition in a system that has denied her the essential document to secure her identity.